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SX100AN Honeywell Sensing and Control 4-SIP SX ABS 0 PSIA TO 100 PSIA 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.19"(4.8mm...
SX100D Honeywell Sensing and Control 按钮 SENSOR HI-IMP 100PSID BUTN PKG 压力类型:差分 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:母型,0.04"(1.02m...
SX100DD4 Honeywell Sensing and Control DIP SENSOR HI-IMP 100PSID DIP PKG 压力类型:差分 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.09"(2.28m...
SX100DN Honeywell Sensing and Control 4-SIP,双顶部端口 SENSOR PRESS DIFF 100PSI 压力类型:差分 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,1/8"(3.175m...
SX100GD2 Honeywell Sensing and Control DIP SENSOR HI-IMP 100PSIG DIP PKG 压力类型:压力计 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.105"(2.6...
SX100GSMT Honeywell Sensing and Control 8-SMD 30 SENSOR GAGE 0-100PSIG SMT 压力类型:压力计 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:- 输出:- 精确度:- ...
SX150A Honeywell Sensing and Control 按钮 SENSOR HI-IMP 150PSIA BUTN PKG 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:母型,0.04"(1.02m...
SX150AN Honeywell Sensing and Control 4-SIP SX ABS 0 PSIA TO 150 PSIA 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:150 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.19"(4.8mm...
SX150ASMT Honeywell Sensing and Control 8-SMD 24 SENSOR ABSOLUTE 0-150PSIA SMT 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:150 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.09"(2.28m...
SX150D Honeywell Sensing and Control 按钮 SENSOR HI-IMP 150PSID BUTN PKG 压力类型:差分 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:母型,0.04"(1.02m...
SX150DN Honeywell Sensing and Control 1.08" x 1.1" x 1.03"(27.43mm x 27.94mm x 26.16mm) 150 PSI PRESSURE SENSOR 压力类型:差分 工作压力:100 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.19"(4.8mm...
SX150GSMT Honeywell Sensing and Control 8-SMD 27 SENSOR 0-300PSI GAGE SMT 压力类型:压力计 工作压力:150 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.09"(2.28...
SX15A Honeywell Sensing and Control 按钮 197 SENSOR HI-IMP 15PSIA BUTN PKG 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:母型,0.04"(1.02mm...
SX15AD2 Honeywell Sensing and Control DIP SENSOR HI-IMP 15PSIA DIP PKG 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.105"(2.67m...
SX15AD4 Honeywell Sensing and Control DIP 1 SENSOR HI-IMP 15PSIA DIP PKG 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.09"(2.28mm...
SX15AN Honeywell Sensing and Control 4-SIP SX ABS 0 PSIA TO 15 PSIA 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.19"(4.8mm)...
SX15AP1 Honeywell Sensing and Control 4-SIP SX ABS 0 PSIA TO 15 PSIA 压力类型:绝对 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:- 输出:数字 精确度:&pl...
SX15D Honeywell Sensing and Control 按钮 1 SENSOR HI-IMP 15PSID BUTN PKG 压力类型:差分 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:母型,0.04"(1.02mm...
SX15DD4 Honeywell Sensing and Control DIP SENSOR HI-IMP 15PSID DIP PKG 压力类型:差分 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:公型,0.09"(2.28mm...
SX15DN Honeywell Sensing and Control 4-SIP SX DIFF GAGE 0 PSID TO 15 PSID 压力类型:差分 工作压力:15 PSI 端口尺寸:母型,0.04"(1.02mm...

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