United Chemi-Con简介:
AwhollyownedsubsidiaryofNipponChemi-Con,UnitedChemi-Con(UCC)isNorthAmerica'slargestmanufacturerandsupplierofaluminumelectrolyticcapacitors.EstablishedintheUnitedStatesin1970,UnitedChemi-Condistributesmorethan8,000products,includingproductsmanufacturedbothdomesticallyinLansing,NorthCarolina,andatotherworldwideplants. More...BecausequalitycustomerserviceisoneofUnitedChemi-Con'shighestpriorities,weoffercompleteengineeringandsalessupportatourcorporateheadquartersinRosemont,Illinois,aswellassales,serviceandfieldengineeringsupportatothersitesthroughoutthecountry.UCCproductsarewarehousedinBrea,CaliforniaandLansing,NorthCarolina,ensuringfastandefficientdeliveryofyourorders.Less...
More about United Chemi-Con
Since its establishment in 1931, Nippon Chemi-Con has driven the development of a variety of electronic components, beginning with aluminum electrolytic capacitors and more recently film capacitors and metal oxide varistors. As a leader in this advanced electronic industry, we are very proud of our role in its progress. Globalization has brought about a new era in our industry.
A new world market has opened, and a new race for excellence challenges us. Through new product development and a flexible management system, Nippon Chemi-Con aims to maintain a timely corporate entity offering trend-setting products, and accommodating ever-changing customer needs. New and exciting advances in environmentally-conscious products benefit our earth and its people. Nippon Chemi-Con now carries a full line of ECO-friendly, RoHS compliant products.
New and improved United Chemi-Con products include our solid conductive polymers, aluminum, industry-leading multi-layer ceramics with radically improved Y5U and new X5R and X7R dielectrics, capacitors for electronic ballasts, automotive modules, computer equipment and many other applications requiring low impedance, very low ESR, high voltage, and long life. These focus products are available in surface mount, radial or snap-in style.