
首页 > 元器件品牌列表 > T开头品牌 > Tripp Lite
Tripp Lite简介:
Establishedin1922,TrippLitehasbeenaleaderintechnologicallyinnovativemanufacturing.In1981weintroducedtheworld'sfirstUPSdesignedspecificallyforpersonalcomputers.In1982wedebutedtheIsobar,theworld'smostadvancedsurgeandnoisesuppressor.Sincethattime,TrippLitePowerProtectionhasgrowninscopetoprovidesolutionsforeveryapplicationfromPCsandfileserverstotelecommunicationsandindustrialprocesscontrol. More...TrippLite'sfullpowerprotectionoffering,includesstand-byandtrueon-linesinewaveUPSsystems,thefamousISOBARlineofsurgesuppressors,afullselectionoflineconditionersaswellasDCtoACmobilepowerinvertersandDCpowersupplies.Less...
More about Tripp Lite

Tripp Lite's comprehensive product line and service network have evolved over a span of more than 85 years.

Established in 1922, Tripp Lite originally manufactured automotive accessories, including a line of inverters. While inverters are still a part of their product offering, Tripp Lite, driven over the decades by the evolving needs of its customers, has shifted the focus of its offering to power protection and connectivity products. As an early innovator in the power protection industry, Tripp Lite introduced the first UPS system designed for personal computers and the world's most trusted premium surge suppressor, the Isobar®.

Today, Tripp Lite is an ISO 9001 company that has 450 employees and is committed to increasing the business availability and profitability of its customers.
Tripp Lite元件分类如下:

  • 盒,外壳,支架
  • 电池产品
  • 变压器
  • 电缆组件
  • 线路保护,分配,备份
  • 计算机,办公室 - 元件,配件
  • 连接器,互连式
  • 电源 - 外部/内部(非板载)