Thomas Research Products简介:
ThomasResearchProductsisanindustry-leadingglobalsupplierofLEDdrivers,withacomprehensiverangeoflonglifeconstant-current,constant-voltageand0-10Vdimmabledrivers.Everydesignisoptimizedforquality,efficiency,longevity,andcostcompetitiveness. More...ThomasResearchProductsalsosuppliessurgesuppressorsandstep-downtransformersthatmayalsoberequiredalongsideanLEDDriverinmanylightingapplications.Thesurgesuppressorsprovideanadditionallevelofprotectionagainstdangerouspowertransients.Step-downtransformersallowdriverstooperateon480or347Vmains.Less...
More about Thomas Research ProductsFounded in 1997, Thomas Research Products designs, manufactures and supplies integrated solutions for solid state lighting. Their offerings include LED Core systems, a comprehensive line of advanced LED drivers, surge protectors and step-down transformers. Their designs are optimized for quality, efficiency, longevity, and cost competitiveness.
TRP also manufactures energy-saving electronic controls, switches and relays for commercial HID and fluorescent lighting for both indoor and outdoor applications.
TRP takes pride in producing unique standard and custom products tailored to their customers' needs. Since TRP supplies nearly every OEM, their stock replacement parts are the highest quality. TRP is an industry-leading global supplier, headquartered in Huntley, IL.
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