
首页 > 元器件品牌列表 > R开头品牌 > Red Lion Controls
Red Lion Controls简介:
RedLionControls'manufacturingfacilityislocatedatitsheadquartersinYork,Pennsylvania.Thismodern100,000squarefootfacilityhasthelatestsurfacemountandchiponboardproductioncapabilities.RedLion'sengineeringteamprovidesnewproductdesignbothforourwiderangeofstandardcontrolproductsaswellascustomandmodifiedOEMproductrequirements.TheQAdepartmenttakestheirresponsibilityforthedeliveryofqualityproductveryseriously,andsimplydoesnotcompromisewhenitcomestoprovidingourcustomerswiththeverybestinqualitycontrolproducts. More...RedLionControlsiswellknowninthefourcontrolproductareas:HumanMachineInterface;ProcessMeasurementandControl;SignalConditioningandControl;DigitalMeasurementandControl.Ineachofthefourmarkets,RLChasacompletefamilyofqualityandvalueorientedproductstoservetheneedsofourinternationalcustomerbase.Inmanycases,throughdigitalandfieldbuscommunications,controlsystemsfromthefourproductcategoriesareimplementedtogethertobuildacompletecontrolsystem.InadditiontotheYork,Pennsylvaniaheadquarters,therearetwoEuropeanmarketingofficesinSlough,England,andCroissyBeaubourgh,France.RedLionControlsisamemberofFaireyGroupplc,aprocesstechnologycompanyspecializinginelectroniccontrols,processinstrumentation,andfiltrationsystems.Less...
More about Red Lion Controls

Red Lion Controls, an internationally based manufacturer of a range of control devices, got its start in a garage in 1972, and now boasts three offices across the world. Red Lion's world headquarters are located in York, Pennsylvania. All of Red Lion's engineering and manufacturing take place in this 100,000 square foot state of the art facility. The engineering and manufacturing departments work hand in hand to design and build not only standard controls, but also custom jobs and modified OEM products. York also serves as the main sales office and is home to Red Lion’s Quality Assurance team, who make sure Red Lion products are built to the highest standards. In addition to the world headquarters, Red Lion has two sales offices overseas. Red Lion BV, RLC’s European marketing office, is located in the Netherlands, and Red Lion Asia is based in ShangHai, P.R. China. Together, the three locations work to bring high-quality, innovative products from a name that is trusted across the globe.

Red Lion Controls
Red Lion Controls元件分类如下:

  • 工业控制,仪表
  • 编程器,开发系统
  • 计算机,办公室 - 元件,配件
  • 传感器,转换器
  • 过电压,电流,温度装置
  • 电机,螺线管
  • 滤波器
  • 传感器,变送器
  • 未定义的类别
  • 连接器,互连式
  • 电源 - 外部/内部(非板载)
  • 光电元件
  • 测试设备
  • 网络解决方案
  • 盒,外壳,支架
  • 电源 - 板载
  • 工业控制装置,量表
  • 变压器
  • 继电器
  • 电缆组件