LEMOisagloballeaderinthedesignandmanufactureofprecisioncustomconnectionsolutions.LEMOhighqualitypush-pullconnectorsarefoundinavarietyofchallengingapplicationenvironmentsincludingmedical,industrialcontrol,testandmeasurement,audio-video,andtelecommunications. More...LEMOoffersmorethan50,000combinationsofproducts,andcontinuetogrowthroughcustomspecificdesigns.Less...
More about LEMO

LEMO is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of precision connection solutions. The name LEMO has become synonymous with quality and customer service, setting standards that others strive to meet. Their connectors are designed in an ISO 9001 business environment, ensuring the highest quality products for their customers. LEMO's high quality push-pull connectors are found in a variety of challenging application environments including medical, industrial control, test and measurement, audio-video, and telecommunications.
LEMO, founded in Switzerland in 1946, took its name from the company founder, engineer Léon Mouttet. Originally a manufacturer of contacts in noble and rare metals, the company took a major step forward in 1957 with the introduction of the push-pull self-latching connector.
LEMO Milestones1946: Creation of LEMO in Morges, Switzerland
1952: Manufacturing contacts of noble and/or rare metals
1954: Manufacturing connectors for electronic cables
1957: Invention of LEMO push-pull self-latching system, and introduction of LEMO's standard metal connectors
1967: LEMO connectors introduced into the American market
1969: LEMO connectors introduced into the Germany market
1970: Standardization of the LEMO 00 NIM-CAMAC Series
1972: LEMO connectors introduced in the U.K. market
1973: LEMO connectors introduced into the Japanese market
1984: Introduction of REDEL® plastic connectors
1985: Introduction of LEMO fiber optic connectors
1987: Increased manufacturing with new factory in Ecublens, Switzerland
1990: LEMO receives SQS Certification according to the ISO 9001/EN 29001 standards
1996: LEMO's 50th Anniversary
2000: Business expansion with construction of new factories in Rohnert Park, California and Munich, Germany
2008: Factory extension in Delemont's manufacturing plant (Switzerland)
2010: New building at LEMO UK in Worthing and factory extension in Budapest - Hungary
LEMO and its affiliated sister company, REDEL, offer more than 50,000 combinations of products, and continue to grow through custom specific designs.