Easy Braid Co.简介:
EasyBraidCo.isamanufacturerofdesolderwickwithanemphasisoncontinuingadvancementindesolderingtechnology.Establishedin1989,EasyBraidCo.quicklyachievedwidespreadrecognitionintherework/repairindustrywithitscompetitivepricingandinnovativeproductline. More...EasyBraidutilizesthesalessupportandservicesofover200representativeslocatedthroughouttheUnitedStatesandin20additionalcountriesspanningsixcontinents.OurinternationalsalesbasecontinuestogrowandstrengthenwitheachnewEasyBraidadvancement.Less...
More About Easy Braid Co.
With products, packaging and flux technologies constantly changing particularly in the development of water soluble and no-clean fluxes, fine pitch components and arrays high quality, consistent performance is essential. By manufacturing in compliance with ISO 9002 standards, and through our strict adherence to Statistical Process Control (SPC), Easy Braid Co. can assure you the highest quality products and guarantee the consistency of that quality.
Easy Braid's wick products are made using ultra fine, oxide-free copper braided into a weave configuration which maximizes thermal conduction and solder retention. Immediately after braiding, the wick is cleaned in an environmentally friendly process unique to Easy Braid Company. Every precaution is taken to insure that the braid remains oxide free until it is coated through our proprietary flux process.
Our closed weave design requires less time for desoldering, thus minimizing lifted pads and thermal damage and absorbing up to 30% more solder mass. This enables an operator to get on and off a connection quickly using less wick to accomplish the task.
After the patent for the Metcal MX500 expired Easy Braid researched Currie Heat Technology for soldering iron tips on those stations. Easy Braid developed tips that are compatible with the 13.56 MHz Power Supply while adding some improvements of its own. The first being “identification”. The temperature rating on the Easy Braid tips is easily seen by the color code of the tip band. In addition Easy Braid perfected the plating process and was able to add additional plating to the tip; thus granting a longer lasting tip.
Recently Easy Braid introduced the EB9000S soldering station. Like the Metcal MX500 and MX5000, the Easy Braid power supply uses similar hand pieces and tips. Heat up and recovery times of this 40W station are best in class.
Purex by Easy Braid is a full line of fume extraction equipment designed specifically for the industrial workplace. Unlike most units that are limited to fans pulling air through a filter Purex by Easy Braid constantly senses the airflow and filters to insure a consistent flow while extending the life of the filters and the motor components.
Like the Metcal MX500 and MX5000, the Easy Braid power supply uses similar hand pieces and tips. Heat up and recovery times of this 40W station are best in class.